Tuesday, July 27, 2010

1 2 3

2 sisters oh wait 3 sister are prego!
1.     Lisa (sister #2 in order from oldest to youngest) Super excited! She is due sometime in January…this means I may be sharing a Birthday with someone! This will be child number 5 for my sister and her husband, Ben has 2(1 boy 1 girl) and Lisa has 2(1 boy 1 girl) …this baby will break the tie!
2.     Tracy (sister #3) I found out she was prego 3minutes after I found out about Lisa LOL. She is due end of February or beginning of March. Tracy and Mark have Ella she will be 1 in September so these two will have their hands full.
3.     Brittany (sister #6 – the youngest) She is due March/April. This will be her first and she is still living out of state.
Lots of babies will be her soon! But don’t worry we are still planning on waiting…JP will tell you we still have 7 years…that’s what he thinks J

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