Monday, January 5, 2009

So...So...So Nerves and Everthing Else

I am so excited, so nervous, so overwhelmed, so frustrated and so very content from my day today.

Excited: One of my close friends is having a great day and has expanded her family more to come I don't want to blow the surprise!!

Nervous: Today was the deadline for the applications so I am just getting nervous and wanting a result

Overwhelmed: Today was crazy at work I signed 4 leases and went to a no show signing! I got nothing accomplished because of house busy I was.

Frustrated: I worked until 7 instead of 5 and I was gonna go out with Josh but it all got pushed back

Content: Josh and I had a small dinner and watched some TV, and talked with Chad it was a nice clam moment and ending to my oh so crazy day

I find it so amazing to see all the emotions that go into my day. It is always interesting

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