Friday, January 2, 2009


Wow, I submitted my application online today, for a job. Yes Yes I do currently have a nice job, I love the ladies I work with and it pays ok. But it doesn't have benefits and it is a contractor position so there is only so much it can offer. I am applying for a position at the Sumitt Mental Health Hospital in Cincinnati, it is a State of Ohio job. The pay is almost double what I am currently making and it would have great full benefits. The more I heard about the job the more I felt it would be super and fit me nicely. But the more I learned the more I got excited I got and the more excited I got the more nervous I got. I really would love this and it would be so beneficial. But I pray I have not gotten my hopes up to high. The posting gents on Monday and then I will see!!

1 comment:

Monica said...

we are still parying that God would open this door for you and jsoh. And that if this door is not openned that another job opportunity would present itself for you two that would offer the benefits and finances you both need to start off a wonderful marriage together. Matt and I love you both!