I sit here in the mist of laundry and wedding-ness, thinking to myself how life changes us. God is so powerful and yet I worry and fret. Looking toward the wedding I have much to do. No apartment yet or invitations and still working on the guest list. Fiances are tight not to mention the addition of a lovely speeding ticket for going 10 miles over. The thought of getting older and having more responsibility is crazy. Yes today was my birthday and my last birthday as a single woman.
It is funny how birthdays kinda make you stop and realize what you truly have, and teaches you to fall in love with it more. I am very excited about getting married no joke but I am so excited to go through these next 95 days as a single woman. God has given me so much and some gifts are for me now the "singe Amanda" and there are some that He is preparing me for. As strange and scary as it might be I am so blessed to have Josh in my life. as we prepare for wedding God has stretched us and molded us more. There have been a few "I really don't like you" moments but we have been able to learn from them. Josh is always there to remind me that it will be ok, he knows how to refocus me when my eyes shift from the lord. Sometimes I feel like I can walk into the room and he knows all that has gone on in a matter of moments. God has allowed us to grow together with Him. Thank you!
Amanda, doesn't it blow your mnd to watch as God knits you and Josh together. It's so amazing to watch our gracious Lord unite two obedient followers of Him as they approach their 'I do's. It's something no world could ever understand or tear apart. I remember being agast and overflowing with praise as Matt and I became more and more united as our wedding aproached. It didn't mean we didn't disagree - oh no- but it did mean that some supernatural and unexplainable act was occurring that only a Loving God could ever orchestrate that transformed Matt and I from single to a united team going through life. i praise the Lord that you too are beginning to see His uniting in your faithful promises to each other.
oh and Happy Birthday to you as well. love ya!
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