Sunday, June 16, 2013

Thrift then Children Minstry Meeting

Today was supposed to be running with the girls but since it was raining pretty hard, V and I decide to go Thrifting! I have wanted to go the Valley Thrift for a while. It was fun V got some running shorts and a super cute skirt. I ended up with 2 pairs of dress pants ($o.29 each) a pair of jeans and a brand new swim suit!! It was great I was looking for a new swim suit and wanted one with a little skirt and this one is perfect and only $2.99.

After Church I met up with the ladies to plan for new falls children's ministry. We are looking at everything from set up to lesson to music and more...please be praying that as we plan and prepare we are following God's direction for this ministry.

Then I finished the night with Ultimate and the return of my husband...a good day indeed.

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