Sunday, June 2, 2013

Camping with the Crew

Ok so this weekend was our camping trip, we camped at a state park in Indiana. It was fun we had 13 people (4 M’s and 9 Adults from the Bridge) It was a wet first night, we got set up but while sleeping it rained so much…our new tent did great no leaks! But Saturday turned out to be a wonderful day. The rain stopped before 9am. We headed to Metamora a small village with shops and such. Half the crew stayed there for a most of the day the others went rafting on the river. We planned on canoeing but the water was too high so we rafted instead, but it was still lots of fun. For dinners we did the hobo hamburgers and tried the brownies in the oranges…the turned out pretty good. All in all it was a good weekend now back to work!

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