Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Night two…tonight I was the nurse, we had a sick 6th grader so I got to help out with that and of course lots of pictures.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Night one (well night one for me I was not able to go on Sunday) as in the past I usually help Lynn out with VBS at First Baptist Miamisburg and this year is not different, I am the official photographer. And the Baby calmer too lol I helped in the nursery for a bit tonight. It was lots of fun to watch the kids play and learn about God and have such a great time doing it. Oh so many pictures.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Thrift then Children Minstry Meeting

Today was supposed to be running with the girls but since it was raining pretty hard, V and I decide to go Thrifting! I have wanted to go the Valley Thrift for a while. It was fun V got some running shorts and a super cute skirt. I ended up with 2 pairs of dress pants ($o.29 each) a pair of jeans and a brand new swim suit!! It was great I was looking for a new swim suit and wanted one with a little skirt and this one is perfect and only $2.99.

After Church I met up with the ladies to plan for new falls children's ministry. We are looking at everything from set up to lesson to music and more...please be praying that as we plan and prepare we are following God's direction for this ministry.

Then I finished the night with Ultimate and the return of my husband...a good day indeed.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Flip Belt

Ok so this is probably strange to most but I am in love with this new little thing. I have been trying to run more often and train for the Color Run 5k. The hard part is that I often run late in the evening and need to take my phone with me so I have something incase anything happens. I found this running belt online…I think it was on pintrest. But really did not want to pay $25+shipping for it, so I examined it and decide I could make it. It appeared to be made of out the stretchy material that you would use for yoga or other fitness wear. So I headed to my local Goodwill to see what I could find to use as the material…yoga pants worked great and were super cheap at $2 per pair (each pair made 2 belts) and after an hour or so I had 5 wonderful flip belts to share with my friends they work great!! You slip on the belt (pockets out) put in your phone or whatever you want to hold, flip it and go!

-the pics are not the best but help you understand the idea.

Monday, June 10, 2013

House Update

Well we have put in 2 offers the first was rejected and the house needed some work, the second someone else got the house first…oh the hunt continues.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Reds Game

Yea the Reds, I honestly do not know if I have ever been to a Reds game before (there is a possibility I did as a child) but either way it was lots of fun. The games was a pretty good game we won by 2 had a few home runs and were able to watch Chatman pitch (leagues fastest pitcher) he hit a guy at 99 mph. We went with the M’s and some of the Miami students. It was a perfect night for a ball game not too hot or too cold (and dry).

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Garden Update

Yea here are some pictures of our awesome garden!! It is doing great, we have already used some of the cilantro and gotten a few strawberries, yum.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

How Time Flies

1 year down, It is amazing to think that it has been a year since I was transferred to Cincinnati and life got a little less crazy…ok that is defiantly not true I am confident it is just as crazy if not more J A look back at what God has taught me this year: I have been so blessed to be where I am and involved like I am. We have been able to be more involved at the Bridge. I currently I discipling 3 lovely ladies and have been able to be more present in the lives of many of the girls in oxford. Whitney and I have been able to start meeting to share life together and have someone who understands our life and all its craziness. God is awesome and has a perfect plan for us as long as we are willing to follow.

Camping with the Crew

Ok so this weekend was our camping trip, we camped at a state park in Indiana. It was fun we had 13 people (4 M’s and 9 Adults from the Bridge) It was a wet first night, we got set up but while sleeping it rained so much…our new tent did great no leaks! But Saturday turned out to be a wonderful day. The rain stopped before 9am. We headed to Metamora a small village with shops and such. Half the crew stayed there for a most of the day the others went rafting on the river. We planned on canoeing but the water was too high so we rafted instead, but it was still lots of fun. For dinners we did the hobo hamburgers and tried the brownies in the oranges…the turned out pretty good. All in all it was a good weekend now back to work!