Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 15

Without counsel plans fail,
but with many advisers they succeed.”
Proverbs 15:22

I am a planner, yes yes indeed. You can pretty much ask anyone; I plan weddings (for real I have coordinated a few), I plan parties (thanks mom you trained me well) and I plan every other aspect of my daily life. I make list for fun. But there are times I don’t share these lists with really anyone because I want to be in complete control of everything. (Possibly a control freak at times)But over the years I have begun to learn and still am learning that I need to take my plans to the LORD and often times to others so they can be examined and improved. There have even been times when once the plan was examined it was completely thrown out because what I had thought was great was really not all the great. But that is how we learn.

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