Thursday, October 4, 2012

Baking Gone Crazy

This week I am preparing for the Great Escape (our fall weekend retreat) by preparing I mean planning and prepping food for 40ish people. Which really is not all that bad until I get to the point that where we will be this weekend does not have a kitchen that we can access (no oven, no sink, no microwave, nothing) So I am planning to cook with the grill, griddle and crockpot and I am up for the challenge!

So since I have plenty to worry about during the weekend I figured I would pre-make the desserts and rolls. So that was what I did last night; baked approx. 100 rolls, 3 kinds of cookies (3 dozen molasses, 4 dozen Monster, 6 dozen chocolate chip) and tons of muffins probably about 6 or so dozen, with more that needs to be done today!

But here is the menu: I am pretty excited
Friday – Hamburgers and hot dogs with Cheesy potatoes (cook and bring with) and Rice and pie.
Saturday – Breakfast – pancakes and bacon
Lunch- Soup Soup and Grilled Cheese with cookies
Dinner BBQ Chicken with stuffing and green beans with brownies
Sunday – Breakfast – Muffins and fruit


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