Saturday, September 1, 2012

Wedding Cake Time

Today is the day that I get to truly experiment with the 3-tier Rice Crispy Wedding Cake. I have made a few large cakes to get a feel for what I was doing, and since there was no good tutorials online I took lots of pictures and will post my own ‘how to’ here.

First I found 3 boxes of the desired size (I went with a 12x12, 10x10 and 6x6) I would of preferred a 9x9 but I could not find a good one. (Shipping boxes worked really well, I tried to find pretty sturdy ones.)

Then I disassembled the boxes and wrapped with Wax Paper then folded them back up.
Then made multiple batches of Rice Crispy Treats. (I caluclated based on sq in of the cake the number of batches-
Example: 1 standard batch fills a 9x13x2 pan, so that is 234 sq in. ) 
I cut the boxes off of the each cake and removed the wax paper. 
 Inserted 2 skewers so they would stay put when I put them together.
 All three cakes :)
 Then Assembled the cake placing one on top of the other
 Then decorated it(we buttered the ribbon to avoid grease marks).

Finished Product...Love it!!
 Best part might of been the cake cutting lol Chad got a workout.

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