Saturday, September 29, 2012

An iPad Adventure, Apple picking and Birthday party

I love fresh picked apples, love love love them. Well today was the annual apple picking day where my family goes and picks tons of apples. This year was a little bit crazier, Josh and I traveled to Columbus Friday night so that we did not have to get up super early and drive the drive. But what happened instead was…Josh has been saving up birthday money and such to get an iPad, we have been watching the sales and this week Meijer has the iPads $40 off so that was helpful, but there was also a coupon for 10% off a single electronic item. We called to verify that the store had them and that the coupon was able to be put towards an iPad. The only issue was the coupon was only good on Saturday as part of their Super Saturday Sale. So at Midnight we headed to Meijer’s to pick up the iPad, the coupon almost did not work since the Super Sat Sale started at six (wow that is almost a tongue twister) but the lady said we could use it…best part for me was that at Meijer when you purchase an iPad you get a $25 coupon off you next purchase, YEA for me I get to go grocery shopping! After the long night we headed back to my parents and then Saturday morning we met at my little sister’s house for Breakfast then headed out to the fields. We had quite a crew (Mom/Mamaw, Rich/Papaw, Josh, Me, Lisa, Ben, Marshall, Gwyn, Jess, Bella, Sam, Dawn Chad and Zach) it was fun but very busy! Josh got his apple and peach salsa, he loves the stuff. And we all took home bags of apples. After apple picking we headed to mom’s for Josh and Ben’s Birthday Celebration. There was a Bounce house for the kids and it was a beautiful day!! Josh got lots of things he wanted and a few thing that are super useful and well needed! Thanks to everyone for making it a great day!

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