Saturday, September 29, 2012

An iPad Adventure, Apple picking and Birthday party

I love fresh picked apples, love love love them. Well today was the annual apple picking day where my family goes and picks tons of apples. This year was a little bit crazier, Josh and I traveled to Columbus Friday night so that we did not have to get up super early and drive the drive. But what happened instead was…Josh has been saving up birthday money and such to get an iPad, we have been watching the sales and this week Meijer has the iPads $40 off so that was helpful, but there was also a coupon for 10% off a single electronic item. We called to verify that the store had them and that the coupon was able to be put towards an iPad. The only issue was the coupon was only good on Saturday as part of their Super Saturday Sale. So at Midnight we headed to Meijer’s to pick up the iPad, the coupon almost did not work since the Super Sat Sale started at six (wow that is almost a tongue twister) but the lady said we could use it…best part for me was that at Meijer when you purchase an iPad you get a $25 coupon off you next purchase, YEA for me I get to go grocery shopping! After the long night we headed back to my parents and then Saturday morning we met at my little sister’s house for Breakfast then headed out to the fields. We had quite a crew (Mom/Mamaw, Rich/Papaw, Josh, Me, Lisa, Ben, Marshall, Gwyn, Jess, Bella, Sam, Dawn Chad and Zach) it was fun but very busy! Josh got his apple and peach salsa, he loves the stuff. And we all took home bags of apples. After apple picking we headed to mom’s for Josh and Ben’s Birthday Celebration. There was a Bounce house for the kids and it was a beautiful day!! Josh got lots of things he wanted and a few thing that are super useful and well needed! Thanks to everyone for making it a great day!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Welcome Back and See ya Later

Today was Day 1 back at my old job, it was a very productive day and was great to see all the people I used to work with. The project team went out to lunch so that was fun, it is crazy how different thing are even though it has only been 4 months. Well team I will see you next month J Heading home to my hubby.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Old Job New Assignment

So I have been at my ‘new’ well ‘not so new’ job for almost 4 months and I was just asked to go back to Columbus to work on the project that I left…It sounds crazy but I am super excited, I will have to be in Columbus 1 day in September 1 day in October and a week in November. So not nearly as much as I was while working there. Plus they pay for my travel. And I am super excited because this project was one of the biggest things I did not want to leave behind!! So my work schedule will be getting super busy and I could not be more thrilled. Such a nerd J

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Suit Shopping

The joy of suit shopping, I never knew how hard it was to find a non-wool suit that is not slim fit! Have no fear we found 1, J

Thursday, September 20, 2012


This week was an amazing time of worship and spiritual growth. Krave, basically a revival on campus (we don’t call it a revival since most non-believers and college aged people have no clue what a revival is) But we had Jake G. come and lead us in musical worship and Tom P. brought the message each night. Even though attendance was lower than we would of hoped I know that God was working in the lives of our students and in each of the staff. Now we will continue on serving the Lord on the Campus of Miami and where ever else Christ leads us.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Super Easy Butterfingers!

It is Candy Corn Season so here his a yummy and super easy treat!!

1 lb. candy corn
16oz jar peanut butter (I used reduced fat)
16oz pkg. chocolate or white chocolate candy coating

Melt candy corn in microwave on high 1 minute.

Stir and continue cooking in 15-second intervals until melted, stirring after each interval.

Stir in peanut butter.
(no actual picture, will update)

Spread mixture in a 9x13 pan (really any size liked the larger pan it makes them a little thinner) lined with parchment or wax paper

Cool completely. Cut into squares. (or other shapes)
Melt candy chocolate in microwave on high 1 minute.

Stir and continue cooking in 15-second intervals until melted, stirring after each interval.
Dip in melted chocolate candy coating. Lay on waxed paper to set


Wednesday, September 12, 2012


JP and I (and Vasantha) have begun our modified South Beach Diet…it is really a let’s get a little healthier and back to eating better. Week one is not fun, we will be avoiding all Carbs and Sugars (Basically Meat and Veggies) Then week 2 we will add in Fruits and Whole Grains! Wish us luck J

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Josh!

Happy Birthday Josh!
Happy Birthday Josh!
Happy Birthday Josh!
Happy Birthday Josh!
Happy Birthday Josh!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Dinner for Two

Chilies has been our recent date night, mainly because we tend to get coupons for free dessert from time to time. And the dessert is really good! Tonight we went out to celebrate Josh’s Birthday, it was a nice relaxing dinner followed by some lazy time at home. Happy Early Birthday Dear.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dinner with the Fam

Tonight was JP’s Birthday Celebration with his side of the Family. We headed to Max and Ermas (YUM) Even though it was a little bit of a wait it was a good dinner. (We got lots of free apps LOL).

Friday, September 7, 2012

First Freshman Friday!

Ok so it is not really the first freshman Friday but it is the first one that I have been able to attend. With our crazy schedule over the last few weeks, month’s years J I have had to miss a few. But not tonight! I am super excited to get to meet and hang out with the students this year! God has truly blessed us again and again even in the times where it seemed super hard we were able to say thank you and know that he was in control.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Holiday and Chinese Bust

Happy Labor Day! Today was Labor Day and I was able to be in Oxford for the day hanging out with some of the ladies and having lunch with the Married Crew, We decided to go to the new Chinese buffet in town bc they have a great lunch… well on holidays they do not serve lunch only the dinner menu so not the exact plan but it was still good. And tomorrow I will head back to work. But thank you Lord for a day of rest.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Wedding Wedding Wedding

Wedding prep done, cake done, birthday party done, hair check, dress, nails, set up check check check. And it is a beautiful day not rain, the hurricane decided to slow down a bit for the wedding and we greatly appreciate it J. Dawn looked gorgeous and in the end of it all they were married Congrats little sister. Please be praying for Dawn and Chad as they begin their journey together as man and wife.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Wedding Cake Time

Today is the day that I get to truly experiment with the 3-tier Rice Crispy Wedding Cake. I have made a few large cakes to get a feel for what I was doing, and since there was no good tutorials online I took lots of pictures and will post my own ‘how to’ here.

First I found 3 boxes of the desired size (I went with a 12x12, 10x10 and 6x6) I would of preferred a 9x9 but I could not find a good one. (Shipping boxes worked really well, I tried to find pretty sturdy ones.)

Then I disassembled the boxes and wrapped with Wax Paper then folded them back up.
Then made multiple batches of Rice Crispy Treats. (I caluclated based on sq in of the cake the number of batches-
Example: 1 standard batch fills a 9x13x2 pan, so that is 234 sq in. ) 
I cut the boxes off of the each cake and removed the wax paper. 
 Inserted 2 skewers so they would stay put when I put them together.
 All three cakes :)
 Then Assembled the cake placing one on top of the other
 Then decorated it(we buttered the ribbon to avoid grease marks).

Finished Product...Love it!!
 Best part might of been the cake cutting lol Chad got a workout.