Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Interview and job way crazy

Ok so I feel like I have told this story a hundred times…but it is so cool to say it again because it is so obvious that it is all God and not me. So my interview… I took the day off work so I could have a day to get everything accomplished. And not to mention I had an exam that night too. Anyway. I woke up got ready not big rush, grab my stuff and headed out the door at the time I intended to leave. I was losing my voice so I was alternating between cough drops and mints(to avoid smelling like cough drops) Well about half way there I realized I had left my phone at home and that the construction was causing more delay than I had anticipated. (I had no phone to call and say I might be a little lateL) So I arrived at the interview on time (9:00) interview was at 9:00, so I was late by all normal standards. The hiring supervisor met me at the door, as he was apparently waiting on me…not a good start. I filled out the necessary paperwork and headed into the interview. IT went ok for the first part, I knew the answers to the questions and my voice was doing ok. They asked their final question and my answer sounded overly conceded and I honestly cannot believe I even said it…It was true but not something you usually say in an interview. I left the interview and got in my car. The interview had only lasted approx. 40 minutes…Oh that cannot be good was all I could think. Now I had to drive back home to get my phone before I could continue my day. I get home grab my phone and head out the door. I call Josh and give him the rundown of my day, and then I have an incoming call. I put Josh on hold and answer the other line; it was Summit offering me the job! Holy cow it had hardly been an hour. It was one of the crazies days ever…it got crazier. My mother called me and told me to call my direct supervisor at work. (she knew I was applying for the job) Well I called her and she proceed to tell me that everyone at central office knew I had the job since an email had be sent out just a few minutes after I had excepted the position. Wow pretty wild and I still had errand to run and an exam to take. Oh I am tired just thinking about it. But in the end God is so in control and that is ok with me!

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