Friday, May 18, 2012

Application/Job Opp

Ok so back on the work topic. Maybe I should start with a little background look at our lives. Josh and I joined the church planting team in the summer of 2007 (we were both finishing up college). We were married in 2009 lived in Oxford for 9 months before I took a job in Columbus (2.5 hours from Oxford) we continued to live in Oxford for the remaining 3 months of our lease. I would stay in Columbus for 4-5 nights a week, usually only home Wednesday nights and weekends. Obviously this was not going to work. So we moved to Miamisburg and moved in with Josh’s grandmother. Miamisburg is 1.5 hours from Columbus and 1 hour from Oxford) though this was much better it is still a struggle. “My goal”, I sat that with a chuckle, was not God’s plan. I thought we would do this crazy drive for 4-6 months and then I would apply for a transfer to Cincinnati and things would be back to normal. Well not exactly. You see I took this job in February of 2010 meaning I have been here for 2+ years. It has been hard, but God has always been faithful! And I know that the only way this works is by the grace of God. I have applied for countless jobs and transfers but nothing works out nothing opens. Earlier we contemplated moving closer to work, but after much prayer and what really seemed like no answer we stayed. I was truly discouraged, not because we were staying but because I had no clue what God wanted us to do. February and March were very hard; I went from planning on moving to trying to readjust to another year of not belonging anywhere. So in an effort to do something I started taking classes in April, which has helped give me something to focus on, but it is still not filling the void of church family that I often feel. Ok off that tangent.

SBH is the ODMH branch that is in Cincinnati, over the last year I have applied for every open position they have posted, many have been lower paying compared to my current job, but with the reduction in driving it would still be beneficial.  Once you have applied of most of their jobs you start to figure out what ones are left for you to apply for. Since there is only a small business office I know most of the employees that are left, none are close to retire, none were looking to move on…until today. One of the ladies I trained left; she came in and gave a week’s notice. Everyone was shocked! She worked hard seemed to like to position but for some reason she decided to leave. Like I said earlier I trained her, meaning I know about 75% of her job description and I know it pretty well.

Oddly enough I was extremely nervous applying for this position. In my mind I kept thinking if I don’t get this job than there is truly not another answer, God is saying no. So rather than applying right away I waited almost a full week. Within that week 4 people talked to the hiring supervisor at SBH to inform them that I should be considered for the position. Then they proceed to call me and make sure I was applying. So that only added stress. So today I put my application in and it is in God’s hands not mine!
Oh this would be a raise too J

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