Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Overwhelmed by it all.

 Poor Marie, my venting pal, last night was one of those nights where everything seems to continue to pile on and you are just ready to collapse. I drove to oxford for kids night after went well. We went to was fine. See yesterday was not the problem. There is not one thing that stress’ me out it is the distance I have between me and everything that is causing me grief. I drive over an hour to work one way. I see my mom during the day, which has been an amazing blessing. I see the rest of my family maybe once a week. I see Josh most evenings not all. I see the student Sundays and the occasional Friday. I feel like I am spread all over the place with no real place of my own. I want a house I really do. I mainly want somewhere that is mine. I am tired of driving; I am tired of always being on the go. I need something to change.

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