Friday, April 23, 2010

Moving Forward

This past Sunday the church affirmed our new Elders: Rich Cotton and Rick Stone and our new Foundation Team, consisting of: Matt Beach, Ricky Cotton, Mallory Evans, Alyse Eversole, Lee Jones, Adam Leach, Katie McCain, Marla Nafziger, and Kristen Nelson. Each has shown a heart for the church and for serving. They have committed to serve the church throughout the remainder of their time her in Oxford. We are excited to see how God will continue to reveal himself as we enter this new stage of ministry. Please be in prayer for each of the Elders and Foundation Team. Pray that over the summer they will continue to grow and stay focused.

o Looking ahead the summer is approaching rapidly and the staff is working on VBS and Backyard Bible School, Planning for Camps and retreats. Please pray for the plans as they are being made that God will be glorified in each aspect of this summer and the coming fall.

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