Saturday, April 24, 2010

Catch a Moment

Wow it seem like forever since i have had a moment to sit and think or reflect. And it really has been a long time. God is amazing truley amazing Josh and i have been married for a full year crazy right. Our lives have been turned and flipped in so many ways this past year. I know they say that the first year of marriage is the hardest, well i never expected so much. In february i got a new job working for the State of Ohio!! Great new except the job was/is 2.5 hours from our home in OX I knew that i would not be able to drive that each day but i felt God had opened this door and I needed to take the job. My parents live near the job site so i would drive to Col Sunday night and say with them and head home on the weekends. after 5 weeks of the 'weekend wife' we got a break 'spring break that is really hard going from seeing your husband 3 out of 7 days to seeing him everyday but that was it i could only see him, we could talk but it was not real life. So many other obligations and duties were priority. After spring break our schedule shifted a bit i would be driving home on wednesdays too. I figure 4 out of 7 is pretty good right. Well that is until leadership meetings and everything else needed to be on wednesdays. Life was hard and it still is. God has blessed me with a carpool that leaves from dayton. so for now i drive in on Mon out on Wed in on Thur and out on Fri and thats my schedule. We are planning on moving soon. In some ways i am thrilled and so ready in others i know the struggle that it is going to cause. I want to see my husband and in that selfishness i am causing him more work and less time with those who he serves and loves, the students.

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