Saturday, February 20, 2010

One More Car Issue...Please

 Our cars are blessings and curses all the same. So I have been driving in to work for a few weeks now. The one thing I don’t need is car trouble…well here it comes. Monday was my day off!!! Fabulous except it had to snow and really snow. I had breakfast plans with Mrs. Pitsenbarger since her school was closed on account of the snow. So we headed to get pancakes and oj. I was going to stay in town but the flakes were big and they said it was going to be bad so I left around 11am. My drive to my parents should of only taken me 2.5 hours but the roads were so covered that the lines were not visible and this was on 275.  My drive took me a little over 4 hours, oh no fun, no fun at all. But the story gets better. We went to work that week as normal and I left on Friday to head home. Well headed south on 71 I get a flat tire…great. I call AAA but you see the snow is piled up and I cannot see any signs, so I don’t know where I am on the highway. I gave the guy my best guess and he started to search. Eventually a Highway Patrol Officer stopped and gave me the mile marker. I was pulled off the side but since the snow was piled he had me reverse on the highway to the emergency turnaround. The tow truck arrived changed my tire and pulled away, I went to start the car and the battery was dead!! You have got to be kidding me. We called AAA back and they had to resend the guy to jump my car. Oh what a night it took me 5 hours to get home. Please not another car issue I don’t think I can take anymore.

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