Tuesday, February 16, 2010


·        I guess I thought it would be easy. But then I seemed to forget that I would not get a paycheck for 4 weeks. If you know anything about me and finances; no money for 4 weeks when I have bills equals a not so good month. Our savings account is very sad right now. I had plans of saving money, paying off debt and that is not what is going on right now. We are still barley making it, but yes somehow we are…the somehow is by the grace of God. Each week as I look at our situation and see the stress and the strain I have placed on my family and our finances I ask myself was it worth it. A friend reminded me that God does not call us to be comfortable all the time, sometimes things are hard but if we trust and allow God to be glorified we will be blessed. So for now I pray for Peace.

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