Sunday, November 23, 2008


Well I really think it is somewhat funny how when you ask for God to show where you fit, he shows you where you don't. It is frustrating but somehow it is easier to see and understand. But I still lack the answer to my question, where do I fit? I know it is not here, there, this or that. In some ways I am not sure if there are too many options left. Currently my life is surrounded by drama (I work with college Kids) and I wish I could just scream get over it. In society and in the church we have become a people that are so over sensitive that when someone rebukes us and calls us out with the effort of sharpening us we become angry and bitter, or go and gossip because it hurt our feelings. Rather than evaluating the statement and working to resolve it with the person! Do I do this yes, I think we all do.

1 comment:

Monica said...

so true, Amanda, so true. and I too am expreiencing the "you don't fit here" aspects of trying to find a fitting place. it's odd but I've almost become most used to not fitting that sometimes when I feel in the right place at the right time it feels funky. lol.