Friday, June 15, 2012

Fall Article!

After another great school year, the summer is in full swing andplanning for the fall has begun.
We have started our 4 weeks of Summer Clubhouse and VBS where wewill be working with the children of the community. Please be in prayer for our3 summer missionaries (Heather, Keeley and Tate) as they are serving here inOxford and sharing the Gospel of Christ with these kids.
Please be in prayer for our students that are away on summer missionsin California and in Canada that have given up their summer to actively serve onthe mission field.
Please be in prayer for our August mission trip as we are headed eastto West Virginia to share the Gospel across several university campuses and thecity of Charleston.
Lastly please pray for the 3,800 new freshman as they prepare tocome to Miami University in August. We are very excited to see what God hasplanned in the upcoming months!
Thank you all so much for your prayers and support!

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