Monday, June 4, 2012


Welcome to SBH! Today was my semi orientation or basically policy review, YEA! After lunch I was dismissed to my department for introductions and such. So far everything is still not really sunk in. We are truly blessed, have been and will continue to be. God has given us so many opportunities over the last 2 plus years! I know at times it is really hard to see how God is working in the painful times but I honestly think it is to prepare us for what is just ahead. I honestly cannot count the number of jobs that I have applied for in the last 2 years. But this position is really such a good fit, it is kinda scaryJ. I will be an Account Clerk Supervisor, Supervising the Patient Bank and Processing Medicare Part A. (Medicare Part A was part of my job in Central Office. I actually was the training officer for the state).

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