Saturday, June 30, 2012

Fireworks with the Fam

Tonight was fun I was able to spend time with my family and watch a little fireworks show. I have a wedding shower planning session tomorrow so I headed to Columbus a little early!

Wedding #3

Today was Alan and Rebecca’s wedding.

Congrats guys we will be praying for you as you start your life as husband and wife!!
PRQ’s for Alan and Rebecca

Alan is working on his Master’s Program and UC and will be coming on staff with the Bridge Church in August, pray that he has rest and adapts well to all the new changes. They are also moving to Oxford.
Rebecca will be starting a piano tutoring position soon as well as look for possibly another position.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Dinner with the Capaccio’s

We visited the newly married couple at their place and had a lovely meal prepared by Alyse. It is so great to spend some couple time with them they are lots of fun!

Clubhouse Week 3

Still going strong! Please be praying for our leaders as they continue to serve.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thursday Dinners

Tonight is Meatloaf Night! Yum! Super easy and is a great crowd pleaser!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Clubhouse Week 2

Another week down…we are at the half way point, my how time flies!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Phil 4:6-7

"Be anxious for nothing; But in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God; and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard you heart and mind through Jesus Christ"
Smile it is Thursday and God is still God...So thankful for everything we have been given and all that has been withheld!

Thursday Dinner

Tonight was a special dinner, we had Poppy Seed Chicken and were able to spend time with our Mission team that came and help finish our basement and prayer walk campus! Thanks for your hard work!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A New Job, A New Journey!

I have been at SBH for almost 3 weeks, it is pretty crazy to think that I have been here this long. To be very honest it was a lot harder of a transition than I expected. There have been so many things that have changed in such a short amount of time. We have been so blessed and continue to see God's blessings.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Girls Night Summer Edition

Girls night in the summer is always a smaller affair. This time we had about 10 not to bad. We cooked out at Level 27 and played in the pool then we tie-dyed shirts and socksJ. After our messy craft we headed in and watched the Green Lantern and chatted a bit…nice night!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Fall Article!

After another great school year, the summer is in full swing andplanning for the fall has begun.
We have started our 4 weeks of Summer Clubhouse and VBS where wewill be working with the children of the community. Please be in prayer for our3 summer missionaries (Heather, Keeley and Tate) as they are serving here inOxford and sharing the Gospel of Christ with these kids.
Please be in prayer for our students that are away on summer missionsin California and in Canada that have given up their summer to actively serve onthe mission field.
Please be in prayer for our August mission trip as we are headed eastto West Virginia to share the Gospel across several university campuses and thecity of Charleston.
Lastly please pray for the 3,800 new freshman as they prepare tocome to Miami University in August. We are very excited to see what God hasplanned in the upcoming months!
Thank you all so much for your prayers and support!

Clubhouse Week 1

It has official started! Clubhouse that is. For those who do not know, Clubhouse is a children’s ministry in Oxford. During the school year we(the Bridge Church) provide afterschool tutoring and then have Clubhouse worship (a completely biblical based time of learning) During the summer we have 4 weeks of day camp from 12:30-4pm. The children are picked up and get to spend almost 4 hours with our college students and staff learning about God and how he loves us so. It can be a lot of work but the reward is great! Please be praying!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday Dinner

Stir-fry and Sushi all I can say is YUM

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

End of classes

Schools out for the Summer!!! YEA!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Say Yes to VBS

Tonight was night 2 of First Baptist Church’s VBS. I volunteered to help with the registration and ended up taking photos. This year’s theme is Aviation. Numbers were lower than normal this year but God is still awesome and in control! The kids seemed to be having a great time learning about our creator and his created.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Farmers Market

This morning I took our M’s  to the Farmers market it was fun, we got almost free lettuce J, and I think I am going to talk with the Market Manager about working with the Sprouts Children’s group!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday Dinner

Tonight was Chicken Parmesan!

Monday, June 4, 2012


Welcome to SBH! Today was my semi orientation or basically policy review, YEA! After lunch I was dismissed to my department for introductions and such. So far everything is still not really sunk in. We are truly blessed, have been and will continue to be. God has given us so many opportunities over the last 2 plus years! I know at times it is really hard to see how God is working in the painful times but I honestly think it is to prepare us for what is just ahead. I honestly cannot count the number of jobs that I have applied for in the last 2 years. But this position is really such a good fit, it is kinda scaryJ. I will be an Account Clerk Supervisor, Supervising the Patient Bank and Processing Medicare Part A. (Medicare Part A was part of my job in Central Office. I actually was the training officer for the state).