Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Meeting God in the Mundane

Well my journey continues, today was today. I would love to say that after a night of revelation and refocusing my life I have had the most amazing day ever, but I have not and honestly I think I am ok with that. God does not ask us to give things to him so that we can get this supernatural high. He desires a relationship with us and in order to be in that relationship we have to give up and allow God to lead. For me that means meeting God in my mundane moments, the word mundane is pretty interesting I had to look it up to make sure I was using it correctly J

mun·dane adjective
1. of or pertaining to this world or earth as contrasted with heaven; worldly; earthly

2. common; ordinary; banal; unimaginative.
3. of or pertaining to the world, universe, or earth.

After I read the meaning I was really blown away by the actual implications of the definition. I meant I need to seek God in my common and ordinary life dealing with day to day. But God really wants us to meet him where we are, in the mundane, this world/earth. We cannot travel to heaven to have tea with God; but we can seek him out allowing him to come to us and walk with us here where we are. So today in this mundane place and mundane situation I choose to seek God and rest, walk and be with Him, so that I may have a glimpse of the extraordinary, which is God.

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