Monday, May 17, 2010

Summer is here

Summer is here! Most of our Miami students have gone home for the summer. The youth and children have a few weeks left until break. With summer comes children's events, youth camp, mission projects and much much more. The first thing on our summer calender is our Children's Choir Concert 6:30pm on June 3 at Oxford Baptist Church, join us as we support and encourage our children's music ministry. Whitney has been working very hard each week with these wonderful kids. Everyone is welcome. Shortly after that comes our Backyard Bible School: June 14-19 this is an evening Bible School, please pray that God provides us with the leaders that we need and that we will be able to build connections with the children that come. Then in July our Vacation Bible School: July 19-23. Held during the day we will be reaching out to a larger area for our VBS, PowerPlant (a mission team that assist church plants) will be helping lead the lessons and activities. Josh is also planning on taking the youth to youth camp please pray that they youth can commit and be able to go this year.

o Please also be in prayer as we continue to plan for our August mission trip to Wisconsin. We will be working with a church planter and helping with launch.

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