Monday, May 31, 2010

End of probation

·        Yea!!! Freedom! Ok really it all feels the same. Plus no promotion since the freeze is still in effect until July 2011. But I can now apply for new postings and maybe a job closer to home!! LORD let your will be done in my life!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Why not a week later?

‘Robbed I tell you’ So they boys were not too excited when I told them that there was a job posting that went down the Friday before my probation ended that was in Cinci and would be perfect for me. Well God has a plan so we just have to wait and see.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I don’t think I can

      A slight hiccup. Today the lady that I carpool with decided that she no longer wanted to carpool. Great now what. I have been so blessed to be able to ride in with thus far but it was a little bit of a shock and kind of messed up my plans (well the ones in my head) So starting Monday I will be driving myself to work (1 hour and 15 min) each and every day! Oh LORD I pray give me strength and keep me awake!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Summer is here

Summer is here! Most of our Miami students have gone home for the summer. The youth and children have a few weeks left until break. With summer comes children's events, youth camp, mission projects and much much more. The first thing on our summer calender is our Children's Choir Concert 6:30pm on June 3 at Oxford Baptist Church, join us as we support and encourage our children's music ministry. Whitney has been working very hard each week with these wonderful kids. Everyone is welcome. Shortly after that comes our Backyard Bible School: June 14-19 this is an evening Bible School, please pray that God provides us with the leaders that we need and that we will be able to build connections with the children that come. Then in July our Vacation Bible School: July 19-23. Held during the day we will be reaching out to a larger area for our VBS, PowerPlant (a mission team that assist church plants) will be helping lead the lessons and activities. Josh is also planning on taking the youth to youth camp please pray that they youth can commit and be able to go this year.

o Please also be in prayer as we continue to plan for our August mission trip to Wisconsin. We will be working with a church planter and helping with launch.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pack This

      Well our lease is up May 31 so it is Time to pack, and sort and clean. Oh how we love to move…ok not so much. Especially when I am only home on the weekends and Wednesdays it is not so fun! We are moving in with JP’s Granny she lives alone in a 3 Bedroom house and is only there for the summer then she heads to Florida for the winter.  We figured this would be a smart decision so we can save some money and no set lease or contract. We shall see.

Clean This

·         I went over to Granny’s last night and the night before because you see our closet to be is pretty full of stuff. So we went over to help clean out the closet and some of the other parts of the house. Oh the bags that went to goodwill!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sneezing may show signs of pregnancy

To clear up all confusion I am not pregnant. Though over the last few weeks I have had a few encounters with people that suspect differently.
Let’s start with my sinus cold…just a little over 2 weeks ago I started to get a sinus cold which turned out to be a major pain. I was taking a medication that contained Gluten, so that made me even more ill and we could not figure out why. So after a week of sickness and no sleep, I posted “Oh the Joy of Illness” on my facebook page and thought nothing of it. Sunday at church I was pretty out of it very un-talkative and kept to myself. I was talking to one of the church members and apparently she jokingly said “you’re not pregnant are you?” Well I did not hear her nor did I respond. So she was not sure what to think.
    Now on the next week
We went to Great wolf lodge for my sister’s birthday it was great. But not a fan of the Gluten Free Pizza (no crust just toppings on soy flakes) it was sadLWe really enjoyed the hotel and rides. The park area was approximately 85which was nice while swimming.  We played hard on Saturday and got up Sunday and played some more. Josh and I were going to go down one more ride before we headed out. So we walked up the tall tower, this was the highest ride. We got about 1.5 flights from the top and I felt a little queasy. I thought I would be ok then with a rush of heat and my vision blurring I said we need to go down. So we began to walk down the stairway just reaching the end of the line with 2 flights to go I had to sit down. So I sat and there I passed out while Josh held my head. From here it was a little fuzzy but I was out for maybe 15-30 seconds and when I came to there were a couple of life guards offering me an ice pack and some water. We got dressed and went to get some food. I was shaky for most of the day but ok. So after I was ok Josh was so kind to post on his facebook that I had passed out, then when people responded with questions he failed to respond. So we get to church with the group thinking that I am pregnant But I am not!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Lisa!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


   We may have a winner. Dawn and I have had stomach issues for years and when the doctor suggested gluten allergies we decided to try it. My symptoms started to go away in 3 week Dawns took a little longer but they faded away. If is funny how you remove one thing from your diet and you feel so much better. The not so fun part is learning how to live Gluten Free (GF). For me I don’t think it will be as hard as my little sis ‘The Baker’ so we have been experimenting with tons of products, recipes and substitutions. So far not too bad but we have a long way to go. Rice Pasta is wonderful!!