Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Finish and New Start

Well it is official we are leaving the Bridge this coming May. It is hard to think that the 6+ year journey here at the Bridge will soon come to an end. We have struggled with this decision for a few years, attempting to know when we were supposed to go. We love the Bridge and all that God is doing in and through it. But we have come to a point in our life that we feel God is moving us on. We do not know where our journey will lead just yet, but we are excited to let God have the driver seat as we let Him lead. Please be praying for our church as we go through this transition. It has been a blessing to see the students reactions, all with love and encouragement.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Crafting Day

Today was a game day for the guys and a crafting day for the ladies. We sewed a little, knitted/crocheted; cut a bunch for the quilts and chatted a lot. It was fun to have everyone up at our house. And we finished the day off with some yummy Chinese food!


Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday and For Now I Will Wait

Monday…Oh how Monday can wear you out. In reality Mondays are not my worst day by any means but with the snow and a busy weekend today is one of those days were I want to curl up and sleep in. But today is another day where the sun is shining and my patient is tried. I have been reading a lot about progress and the concept of “imperfect progress” I am a fairly patient person…well until recently (ok to be honest I am pretty patient with most people but tend to be less patient with myself) and currently my life is in limbo of waiting and waiting. We are still (yes still) looking for a house, I am waiting for a position at work to open up, I am waiting to hear back on a program I applied for and there are a few other I/We are waiting for. Last week I had this intense moment of being overwhelmed and frustration of feeling like I am falling behind in my life…I mean I am closes to 30 than 20. But when I sit back and look at my reaction I realize I am trying to rush God and change His plans for me. (AKA Not good) So for now I wait, take a deep breath and enjoy the moments that God is giving me now and rather than wait in anticipation of the next new thing I will cherish where I am and what I have, so that I enjoy the journey and the walk.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Busy Weekend!!

This weekend was jam packed. We went baby shower shopping for my little sis’ shower. Followed by the Family Birthday party for my two nieces, Then shortly after that party we (Dawn and I) hosted my niece’s friend sleepover. It was Hunger Games themed. Dawn and Gwyn worked on the cupcake (super cute) and I was in charge of the games. So I created a life size Hunger Games Board game…where each kid had to visit each of the districts and at each spot there was a task that was related to that district…turned out to be pretty awesome!