Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Donated blood and the gospel!

Today the blood truck was at work. So I decided that I would attempt to give blood (I say attempt since going to East Asia certain organizations have different time frames for accepting blood) Well the accepted mine today. That is really not all that special but I did have a wonderful conversation with the lady that was checking me in. We talked about my profession and then asked what my hubby does and it came on to the topic of Church work and Christ. The lady then proceeded to tell me that the reason she was so passionate about giving blood and her work was because of the correlation that it has with the shed blood of Christ. Which was a pretty cool comparison, I mean Christ sacrifice was so much more than I can truly fully understand but when we are able to see that his pouring out was our life line it is neat to think that by giving blood we are physically acting as he has. But looking past that we need to be sharing Christ with the world so that they may receive true life, life eternal…not just life sustained by extra blood.

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