Monday, December 17, 2012

Goob Bye East Asia Team...

Our Mission Team boarded a plane headed for the other side of the globe, and sadly Josh and I were not on it. It is really odd thinking that we will be celebrating Christmas and the New Year here in the States. It is not a bad thing just very different since the last 2 years have been in small villages, where the Gospel and Christmas are so new and unknown. Which has really made me think about being here and realizing that the Gospel and Christmas, though they are spoken and more present they are still unknown to so many. So many American’s just like those across the world have a skewed view of what Christmas really is.  One image that always will stick with me is the was the one where Santa is holding baby Jesus. Ironically in the States you do not typically see this image (at least I have not) but when I saw it abroad it hit me this is what an American Christmas is all about It is so sad but they got it right, here we choose to compartmentalize Christmas with Santa at home a Christ at Church. We love the holiday cheer and the joy of the season but skim over the birth of our Savior. I love Christmas I really do, I love seeing my family, baking cookies and buying gifts for loved ones. But I need to stop and truly remember and share what Christmas is about, what my life is about and what we are about. 

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