Friday, August 31, 2012

Freshman Friday while I head to make a cake

Well tonight is week 2 of Freshman Friday (last week we missed due to the wedding) and I will not be attending again. I am a little bummed but instead I am headed to Columbus to purchase 7 jumbo bags of Rice Crispies, then I am heading to home to help with the last bit of wedding favors and whatever else is needed.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Wedding Coordinating/Wedding #4

This weekend was the wedding for Matt and Ali! So Friday we headed down to Scioto Hills Camp (a 3.5 ish drive) Josh, Ricky and Chad we in the wedding and I was the Coordinator or Wedding Assistant J Friday night was pretty simple run through this, check this  and a good bit of notes. Saturday was HOT but a great day.  Everything went pretty smoothly a few bumps along the way with arrival times and communication since we had no cell phone reception. But they got married and then the guys went ‘swimming’ in the lake(in full wedding attire) I was tired and a little sun burnt but it was a great weekend.
Please be praying for Matt and Ali as they are on their honeymoon and as they begin their lives together!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Let the fun begin, well not for me but for the others. I will not be attending our 11pm-2am pancake adventures this year…since sleep is important when you have to go to work in the mornings J Please pray for our leaders and students as they are attempting to share Christ’s love while serving pancakes.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Baby Bow Ties!

Made these for the baby shower I attend this week so cute and pretty simple!!

Start with any fun fabric.
Cut a 9inx4in rectangle of fabric
and a 4inx2in rectangle of fabric
Fold in half (finished sides facing eachother)
Filp inside right
Iron and Fold in the edges

Pinch in the center and add a few stiches
Don't worry if it is not perfect it will be covered

Now iron out the shorter peice

Measure it you may need to cut off a little of the excess (depends on how you sewed and pinched the frist peice)
Wrap and sew the cover like such

Attach snaps or velcro to onesies and the bows for a super cute baby!

First Sunday Back!

The students are back and all moved in J. We had our first service last night and had a great turn out. Lots of old friends and tons of new ones. We had pizza after church followed by Ultimate Frisbee. (I am still a little tired) Today was the first day of class for most of the students, please be in prayer for them as they are adjusting this week to new classes and everything else that comes with the start if the school year. Pray that they are bold and actively seeking and sharing Christ.


We also have lots planned this week, we have the uptown fair/pig roast on Thursday followed by pancakes, then Freshman Friday and Hangout time on Saturday. Pray God is glorified in all we say and do.



Saturday, August 18, 2012

Baby Shower and Birthday Party

Wow I cannot believe it is almost time for Baby Bocek to arrive. Jordan and Corbin are having a little boy. We are so excited for the mommy and daddy to be. Josh and I headed to Columbus Friday night and I left him to relax while I attended Jordan’s shower. Super cute and very nice!! Yea almost baby time.
After the shower I headed home to get ready for the August Birthday for Jamey, Dustin, Tracy and Mark. Happy Birthday guys!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Freshmen Are Here

It is Official the Freshmen are in town and with that come lots of traffic and chaos. Last night after the leadership team helped with move in and handed out lots of water bottles we headed over to the Freshman Bash. Which was super crowded since it was moved inside due to the rain L! The basketball courts were full of all the new freshmen. Slightly overwhelming for our students as they were trying to have conversations with the new students while screaming to be heard. After the first hour the crowd spread out between the floors and another building so it was a little easier to be social and have conversations. I cannot believe it is already time for classes to begin! Please pray for our students as they are trying to adjust back to school pray that they will put God first in their lives and be boldly sharing the gospel with those they come in contact with. Pray for us as we have super busy schedules between weddings, work, bridge events and church, pray we are focus and have the energy to keep on keeping on.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Our God

Romans 11:33-36
“33 Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!
34 “For who has known the mind of the Lord,
        or who has been his counselor?”
35 “Or who has given a gift to him
        that he might be repaid?”
36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.”

It is pretty crazy when you start to think about how truly amazing our God is…I mean think about all that he has created and done. If that is not mind blowing, I do not know what is. Then as you read through the Gospel you see God sacrifice his son for a nation/world that is completely self-centered and downright wicked.  But regardless of what and or who we are God is God and his love shows through.

We are so mindful of how we stack up against the next person(rather they are believers or not) we are better at this or that. We sit and try to compare ourselves and often we justify why we are or aren’t better than them. But when it comes to God we expect to fall short we allow “human nature” to be our excuse as to why we can never be like God. Which is true we will never be like God…without God. If we allow God to transform our hearts, minds and life we can walk in his ways and be like God. Not like a “god” but we can reflect the glory and grace of the Holy and Living God. Then when I think of how amazing God is I can really say wow, a God that awesome wants to use and live in me.

J just a  few thoughts from today

Monday, August 13, 2012

GF Options!!

Cream-of-Whatever Soup Substitute

Base (thick):
  • 3 Tablespoons butter or oil
  • 3 Tablespoons flour or corn starch
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • dash of pepper
  • 1-1/4 cup liquid, milk or stock
Melt butter or oil in saucepan. Stir in flour and seasonings. Cook over medium heat until bubbly. Add liquid slowly, stirring with wire whisk to prevent lumps. Cook until thick. Makes 1 cup or 1 can of condensed soup.
Tomato Soup: Use tomato juice for the liquid. Add dashes of garlic, onion powder, basil and oregano.
Chicken Soup: Use chicken broth for half the liquid. Add 1/4 t. poultry seasoning or sage.
Mushroom/celery/chive soup: Saute 1/4 C chopped mushrooms, celery or chives and 1 T minced onion in butter before adding flour.
Allergy Suggestion:  If you use a gluten-free flour (rice, tapioca, etc.) or cornstarch, you can make the soup gluten-free.  And if you use a stock rather than milk, you can make it milk-free, too.

Posted from: 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Rest before the craziness begins!!

Today was a day of clam, laziness and rest. Tomorrow Josh begins leadership training with the student leaders. And in reality we will not have a real break until mid-September. Oh please pray for endurance and sanity. We love the students but the chaos is always a little stressful and at times overwhelming but we would not trade it. J It was really great to get and hang out with Josh before the students swarm into town!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Welcome back mission team!

While I was parting with the girls (at the craft event) Josh was traveling home. Everyone arrived safely, a little tired but they will make it. It sounded like a great trip. The students helped out with a few of the local colleges in West Va, doing everything from prayer walking to block party to bolt cutting J It is so great and encouraging to see our Church family out serving (even when it is super-hot) Love you all and welcome home! Josh parents also returned today from their mission trip. They were serving at the boys and girls camp in North Carolina they also did some construction on the camp grounds where they were staying…(it was kinda odd to be one of the only ones home this week) But everyone is back and school is just around the corner!!

Bachelorette party

Tons of fun!!! That is pretty much all I can say about the Bachelorette party. We went to the Creation Nation, a ceramic and glass art studio. We each made a custom necklace and earing set. And then we all signed a large serving bowl/plate for dawn to keep. The ladies were super attentive and the studio was very spacious. Thanks ladies we will be returning J Here are some of the before pics!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Cinnamon Face Mask

Today was Cinnamon Face Mask Day :) I used a recipe I found online (Allspice, Cinnamon and Honey)  It was a little harsh on my eyes but over all it was kinda nice.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Exercise Thursday - Chicken Quesadillas and Zumba Trial Run #1 

Josh is still out of town so I have been doing random little projects here and there; tonight was Chicken Quesadillas Night. Chicken Quesadillas freeze really well and they are great for when we don’t have left overs or lunch to pack. I made 7 packs of Quesadillas including 1 bbq one…hope it turns out good J Alyse came over and we talked about “exercise games” they are pretty fun/random, basically it is a workout you can do while watching a particular show, each is based on things that happen often in the show…I will try to posted a few examples.

Reflections for Today

Well it is Thursday and I am sitting here realizing how truly blessed I am. Our mission team is serving in West VA and I am sad that I am not there but I know that God had plans for each of us, sometimes we are called to go and others we are called to stay and for this August I am here to stay. But is has been a really good week at home. I have been able to get some of the random crafty things done and work on cleaning our house(much needed). This week has really been a week to prepare me for what is coming over the next few weeks…the return of the students. Which I am so excited about but in many ways this is another big adjustment for me. Last year this was just plan stressful. But this year I have no clue what to expect or what to think. All I know is that God has a plan and a purpose and I am just waiting to see what that is. Please be praying for us and the students as they return. That everyone adjusts to the craziness that is College. J


Roman 6:20-23

For when you were slave to sin you were free in regards to righteousness. But what fruit were you getting at that time from the thing of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slave of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Monday, August 6, 2012

My Week at Home

While my husband and the Mission Team are away I have lots of little projects (a few larger ones too) that I am working to accomplish…my weekly plan so far.

-Fix the Bridge Couch (just needs a little sewing)
-Make baby bow ties (baby shower gift sooo cute)
-Make a 31 bag insert…I will post the how to very soon
-Move dishes from current Bridge House to New/Additional Bridge House
-Clean our house
-Clean JP’s shoes and hat(very dingy need to find a good cleaner)
-Work Out
-Ice Cream with Whitney
-Work at the Farmers Market
-My little sisters Bachelorette Party (Craft Night)

And that is what I have so far (it is only Monday J) I think I will have plenty to do.

Praying for the Mission Team

The Bridge Summer Mission Team headed out yesterday. The team consisted of 26(staff and students) headed to West VA. They have arrived safely and begin their work today. Please be in prayer as they are serving this week. This summer trip is a great week for our students to refocus and be refreshed before the school year starts we pray that they will come back with a burning desire to reach the lost in Oxford and will be ready for whatever comes there way.

The team will return Saturday! Praying for safe travels and an amazing week!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Wedding Shower

Super great day! The shower set up went well; it was a bit tiresome but pretty smooth. The shower was at Grove City Church of the Naz’s Glass Room. IT was such a great space and really worked super well.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the shower and Dawn got great gifts. Thank you all who helped with this event and for all of you who came and showered Dawn!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Health Fair and Wedding Shower Prep

Today was the Health Fair at work, It is really quite nice all you do is participate and you earn extra cash. That is always a plus. After the health fair I headed to Columbus to work on some last minute shower preparations. So excited about the shower!!!