Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Reds Game and Laundry Soap

Josh and Chad took the M’s to the Reds Game and I made Laundry Soap. Pretty easy and super inexpensive…it may be a little hippie-ish but it is worth the savings
½ cup Borax (I bought a box)
1 cup Super Washing Soda (Arm and Hammer) (I bought a box)
1 bar Fels-Naptha ($1.34)
* All items were found in the Laundry/Dish isle at Kroger, but I am sure you can find it other places too.’


You will also need:
A 5 gallon bucket or larger
Jugs or bottles (enough to hold 10 gallons)
1.       Grate the Fels-Naptha (I used a cheese grater)

2.       Bring 2-3 cups of water to a simmer and then
a.       add the Fels-Naptha shavings
b.      cook until all is melted

3.       Add the Borax and Washing Soda

4.       Pour heated mixture into a 5 gallon bucket
5.       Fill the 5 gallon bucket with 4.5 gallons of HOT water
a.       Stir vigoursly

6.       Let the Soap sit overnight, it will firm up

7.       Fill containers half full with the soap
a.       Fill remainder of the bottle with hot water and shake

The soap was a little thicker than normal detergent but smelled great!!

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