Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cook out with the Bridge Family! (Chicken)

Well it is pretty much official, summer is over…we had our summer cook out this week with all the Bridge Family. Yummy chicken prepared by the fabulous Big Rick and sides and dessert provided by everyone else J Food was good and the company was even better.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Skyline and Uptown concert

We took the PowerPlant team out to have some Cincinnati Chili (I am not a fan, but I went anyway) After Skyline we headed over the Uptown Concert. Each Thursday during the summer Oxford has a concert on the Uptown Square where the families can come out and socialize, we use this as a time to meet and connect with the community. Tonight was a little low due to the rain and threat of more. But it was fun to see the students talking with the town and making connections. So bummed to see these kids go L
Thank you all for your hard work!! You will be missed!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Exercise Tuesday

This week is a little crazy with the PowerPlant Team so our Exercise Thursday turned to a Tuesday. And since the team was in town we joined them for a game of Ultimate Frisbee. We played 3 games my team won 1 lost 2 wow it was hot, humid and gross outside. The game was fun and absolutely a work out!! Tons of fun!! it is going to be a great week. Please pray for the team as they are serving here with us this week.

Yard work and water bottles

Our PowerPlant team has been working super hard this week. They cleared a lot of the overgrown trees and bushes in the side and back yard of the Bridge House. They also labeled most of our water bottles for freshman move in. Water bottles are one of the biggest ways we are able to reach out to the incoming freshmen and their families. So excited for the student to get back and so blessed that I will be here this year…God is so great!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Busy Night

Josh met the PowerPlant team in Mason while I made my round, picking up biscuits, delivering biscuits, uploading my car, getting my oil changed, then we met up for dinner…so ready for bed J

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Good Bye Heather and Keeley

We took the M’s to the Airport today L we will miss you both!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Good Bye Lunch

We had a lunch potluck to say good bye and thank you to our M’s that were here serving for the summer. We will miss you !!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Reds Game and Laundry Soap

Josh and Chad took the M’s to the Reds Game and I made Laundry Soap. Pretty easy and super inexpensive…it may be a little hippie-ish but it is worth the savings
½ cup Borax (I bought a box)
1 cup Super Washing Soda (Arm and Hammer) (I bought a box)
1 bar Fels-Naptha ($1.34)
* All items were found in the Laundry/Dish isle at Kroger, but I am sure you can find it other places too.’


You will also need:
A 5 gallon bucket or larger
Jugs or bottles (enough to hold 10 gallons)
1.       Grate the Fels-Naptha (I used a cheese grater)

2.       Bring 2-3 cups of water to a simmer and then
a.       add the Fels-Naptha shavings
b.      cook until all is melted

3.       Add the Borax and Washing Soda

4.       Pour heated mixture into a 5 gallon bucket
5.       Fill the 5 gallon bucket with 4.5 gallons of HOT water
a.       Stir vigoursly

6.       Let the Soap sit overnight, it will firm up

7.       Fill containers half full with the soap
a.       Fill remainder of the bottle with hot water and shake

The soap was a little thicker than normal detergent but smelled great!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Vacation Day and Kings Island

I took the day off and headed to Kings Island with 12 students and my husband! It was a hot day. We had tons of fun, only got a little sun burnt and 2 blisters from the burning hot concrete. Tomorrow is back to work…I hope I can walk.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Exercise Week 2

We are back and stronger than ever, this week we hit the dance studio, we burnt calories as we leant 5ish dance styles, who knew dancing could kick you into shape like this.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Impromptu dinner...

I had dinner with Kate, Megan and Claire. It was fun we had baked potatoes, fruit, salad and baked pears J

Monster Cookie Crumble

 JP and the crew headed to Mississippi for the funeral of Tate’s Dad, I attempted to make a quick batch of monster cookies for the 4 that were going. Well I was a little short on oats so it turned into Cookie crumble. It still tasted good just not as attractive as it could have been. Still praying for Tate and his family, now praying for Josh, Chad, Keeley and Heather as they travel the 12 trip!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Lunch to Mark!

Today we celebrated Josh’s dad’s birthday at Marions Pizza J

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Good Bye Tate and the Air Force Museum

We drove Tate to the airport this morning, sad day. Then we took the girls to the airport museum and did a few other stops. Overall a kinda low key day allowing everyone to process the week.

Friday, July 6, 2012

PRQ Tate

Please pray for Tate, he is one of our M’s for the summer. He received a call that his dad passed away today. He will be flying home tomorrow to be with his family!

Clubhouse Week 4

The End is here! We had a great summer!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Let the Exercise Begin

Alyse and I began our Thursday night workouts this week. We started strong with Total Body Boot Camp. It was not too terrible but there may have been more laughing that working out J

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th and a Picnic Lunch

Oh it was soo hot today we grilled out and ate inside, sad I know. A decent number of student joined us for our 4th celebration!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Alien Invasion

Tonight was the Mini Carnival/4th Celebration at the park in Oxford. The Bridge had a game booth, it was made from an old box spring bed painted black and green spray painted water bottles J you had to shoot the bottle(aliens) to win a prize…it was a hit.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Wedding Shower planning session

Invitations – Check
Games – Check
Party Favors – Check
Decorations – Check
Food – Check
I think that is all J