Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May Update

As many of you may know summertime does not mean things slow down at the Bridge, in many cases they speed up and time gets filled up very quickly. June 5 we are beginning morning service (11am) on the westside of town. We will be reaching out to the families of the children that we work with through Clubhouse. We are praying that God will continue to open doors and give us opportunities to serve and minster to these people. June also begins our 4 week long Backyard Bible Club/VBS/Clubhouse in June. We are still working on getting volunteers these weeks. We have a mission team coming in the 1st week (June 13-18) and we have another local church helping the last week (July 5-9) Please pray that God will continue to provide the workers for the two middle weeks (June 20-24 and June 27-July 1.)

Continue to pray for the students that are heading into the mission field (or that are currently there) for part or all of their summer. We also are planning our August Mission Trip and Christmas Mission Trips, Please be in prayer as students and committing to service God and step out on faith to go. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


After this week vacation was sounding soo good! Well I took Friday off so we could head to Indianapolis to chill and have a weekend away, off the grid as JP calls it. So Friday morning we get up and head to Newport to see the fishes. I have never been to the aquarium it was lots of fun! After the aquarium we found out that we did not have a hotel in Indianapolis due to the Indy 500 rooms were overbooked and we were bummed. We tried really hard to find a hotel that was open and did not cost an arm and a leg, but we did not succeed. So instead we stayed at home and had a ‘staycation’. We had dinner at Ruby Tuesdays YUM, except JP was not feeling so great (good thing we stayed home) Saturday was nice we slept in and Granny left with the boys to head to KY for the day. So it was just me and JP. Later in the day we headed to Fairborn to hit some book stores, comic stores and goodwill and ice cream. It was fun we just did some running had Texas Roadhouse for dinner and then headed home. Sunday we got up and went to Apex for church the music was great and the message was straight from the word! After Church we had Chipotle for lunch and headed to the in-laws to work a Veggie Puzzle J it was so cute. Monday was the last day of our staycation we had lunch with the in-laws and then headed to Meijer and Walgreens to use my coupons.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Training Week

This week has been a crazy week Monday and Tuesday I held training for our CSNs we had a small group on Monday and 10 or 11 on Tuesday. I trained them on our new outpatient billing system. I really enjoy training and planning for these events!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sushi Night with the Girls

we had tons of fun making and eating sushi, Dawn was a great teacher J

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Coupon Night

Ok So Happy Homemaker Cindy came and did a seminar at Miamisburg. It was great we all learnt a lot about saving and stock piling. So I have officially began my stock pile and coupon adventure! Watch out Grocery Stores here I come!!

Friday, May 13, 2011


Have you ever looked at Abraham and said to God “I will sacrifice my son, I will give him to you” but God was silent. Sometimes we expect our chosen sacrifice to be sufficient, God I will give you this or you can have that. But when God reached out and requests that one thing we are all up in arms…why that? That’s too much. But God is asking for ‘us’ completely and fully. He wants our hearts. In my mind I assume that by giving God the tough stuff I can get by dealing with the rest, but that’s not how it was intended nor does it really work that way. I can pretend that I am walking on the water, but in really the pond is just frozen and about to crack any second. God I give you it all, teach me to lay it down at your feet and not pick it back up.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

No Plans Thursday!!

Nothing scheduled? Are you sure? Trust me I triple checked but nothing is on the books, we are free to night! I transplanted my plants they are looking great!! We ate Chipotle and then chilled with our Ice cream on the couch! Such a wonderful night!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Work Out #2

We skipped the work out and opted for mowing and weed wackin' Still burned lots of calories!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Swapna and I need Sleep, OH and my coupon binder

Olive Garden!! YUM meeting with Swapna always means food! J I really don’t just go for the food! I was so out of it last night, but I managed to complete my coupon binder tote is turned out really good for the first one.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Work Out #1

That’s right JP and I are getting fit! And oh was it a fun work out, we are using the Wii to train. Thank goodness we have a cool basement because it is hot outside.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother’s Day!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dentist apt and Happy 70th birthday Helen

I really like my Dentist and No Cavities! We just recently got dental INS so I have not been in 3+ years so I was way nervous!! After the dentist we headed to Cbus for Helens surprise birthday party!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Boys Night Out and Dinner with the Fam

Josh had plans with the guys to go see Thor and I had plans to do dinner with my family for Lisa birthday, Yum Long Horn!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Planted my seeds!

Last month we had a women’s night “seeds of kindness” and we all go seed packets, well I have tomatoes and peppers so I planted them! We will see how they do.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Girl Scouts and Photo Books

I stayed in Cbus tonight since gas is crazy expensive and JP had to drive the gas hog truck. So I helped with the girl scouts they were making photo books for their mothers. Oh to be so young again they are fun kids.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Oh Gas Prices!

I just want to Cry!!! 4.19 really?