Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Time to Say Goodbye

·            God is so amazing and at times I am so baffled by it all. I was offered a job this week with the State of Ohio. It is funny how some people want certain things; I have been applying for almost 2 years now and I have had a few interviews that ended up not going anywhere until now. Though I am super excited I am very nervous too, cuz you see the job is in Columbus, that is 2.5 hours away. I prayed and prayed that God would let me know that this is what he wants but I felt nothing. I accepted the job and I start on the 1st Crazy. After I told B&B that I was leaving I had peace about the whole situation for at least a moment. I finished my week with B&B and packed my desk and I am headed out on a new adventure that only God knows the route.

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