Friday, January 29, 2010

The Plan

Ok as many of you might be wondering what I am thinking. Accepting a job 125 miles away from our home. Well here is the plan, For the first 2 weeks Monday – Friday I will be staying at my parents home in Columbus and come home on the weekends. After that I will be driving to Dayton to meet a lady and carpool in with her on Monday  stay with my parents Monday and Tuesday night, Drive home Wednesday, Drive in on Thursday and home on Friday. I know pretty crazy right. Well this will only last until the end of May when we are able to move since our lease will be up. So only 4 months I know it seems like a lifetime. And after my probation period is up I will start looking for transfers to the Dayton or Cinci area! 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Time to Say Goodbye

·            God is so amazing and at times I am so baffled by it all. I was offered a job this week with the State of Ohio. It is funny how some people want certain things; I have been applying for almost 2 years now and I have had a few interviews that ended up not going anywhere until now. Though I am super excited I am very nervous too, cuz you see the job is in Columbus, that is 2.5 hours away. I prayed and prayed that God would let me know that this is what he wants but I felt nothing. I accepted the job and I start on the 1st Crazy. After I told B&B that I was leaving I had peace about the whole situation for at least a moment. I finished my week with B&B and packed my desk and I am headed out on a new adventure that only God knows the route.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


We are headed to the airport, all 8 MU Josh and I are all crammed in the white beast with our luggage and Chad as the driver. Our flight leaves around 4 so we will meet our UC guys at the airport and then pick up a few others in Chicago. Oh we are so excited for this Trip can’t wait to see what God has planned!!! 


Whitney has been working with 10 or so girls each week with music, tonight was their concert. The girls sung songs, rapped, and did a dance great job ladies.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New New New

New House for the guys: New year = new house? Well for the Bridge it did. God has blessed us with a wonderful spot near campus. It is a great house with tons of room and a nice yard. We have been all over oxford and now we have a home. The house will serve as the guys office space much better than the ‘broom closet’, housing for students, coffee house and other group gatherings/meetings. We have this space leased for the next 3 years. Pray that God will continue to use us here in oxford.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!! Resolution – Continue to Praise Him in the HARD TIMES!!