Monday, December 28, 2009

Congrats Megan

Winter wedding, Megan a girl Josh and I went to college with Wedding was last weekend. Whit her now husband is in the Air Force so they decided to get married after he finished Basic Training which fell the week before Christmas. So the wedding was December 27. Sunday was nice we got to the church and the ceremony was nice and simple. The crazy part was when we left it was crazy snowing. But despite the winter storm we headed to the reception. Megan’s dress was super sweet she had a little winter shawl that went with it very cute with the pics. We decided not to stay too long since the roads were not looking to fabulous. On our way out we exchanged our Christmas gifts with Nathan and Erika. We got I got an assorted pack of Hot Coco and Josh got sweet pocket watch well kinda you will have to ask him about that,

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tis the Season

Well the holidays are always busy around our parent’s houses, especially at my parents. For the last few years that josh and I have dated we switch off staying the night at one set of parent and the next year we stay at the others. This year was my mother’s house. I love spending Christmas eve with our families. Especially since we live a bit away it is nice to see everyone and to watch the kids tear into their gifts. It is fun. God has continued to bless us this year and we are so thankful for all he has and continues to do.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Christmas in China: Pray for Chad, Whitney, Marie, Amy, Ricky, Christina and Courtney and Rachel as they are ministering in China over the break.

Notes on China

Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Cookies

Christmas cookies why too many but how can you resist the sweet smell of fresh baked sugar cookies or the warm and gooey chocolate chip. Oh my mouth is watering just thinking about it. We love to bake and when better to do it…Christmas of course. So this year we got all 5 sisters, my mother and Grandma Evelyn together to bake/learn to bake. It was tons of fun. We made: No Bakes, Chocolate Chip, Snicker Doodle, Sugar, Snowman Poop, Turtles, Chocolate Covered Pretzels, Fudge and Oatmeal Cranberry…I might be missing a few but you get the picture J Needless to say we had more cookies than we knew was to do so we gave them away!! And gave some more away and still had a few to munch on.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Birthday DAWN!!!!

Good Bye Muffler

A much needed blessing.As many know this semester has demanded us to rely on God fully and December has been no different only more intense. We were blessed with a gift at the begining of the month it was very out of the norm for us though we were blessed to receive it we were not really sure why it had come at this particular time. Well less than a week later God showed us why we were receiving this gift. Josh's muffler exploded on his car and we had to replace the entire back end of the exhaust. God had provided the perfect amount to cover the cost of the repairs and provided the transportation that was needed while Josh's car was out of commission. God's Provision sometimes takes us by surprise but it is such a blessing.

Thank you for being faithful.