Sunday, June 1, 2008

So here I am, Sort of...

Well it is funny how God works in our lives. I mean one day you are hating your job and where you are and the next you are terrified of leaving all of that. Does that make sense? I don't get it at all. Well let me fill you in on my life thus far. I am 22, I have 5 sisters, I am dating a wonderful guy named Josh and I am in limbo with life right now! I previously worked with the Bridge Church and loved most of it. As 2008 approached and loans began to call my name I could no longer afford the low paying ministry job so I moved home to Columbus to live with my fam! I started a job there as a File/Docket Clerk at a Law firm and loved the job but struggled in the environment. Durring my at home period I continued to drive pretty much every other week to Oxford (it is a 2.5 hour Drive). No Fun!! So in recent I have decied to move back to Oxford. Quit my decent paying job, and let God take on the rest. So here is my journey as a Missionary. Oh did I mention I am the only Girl on Staff? Well I am!

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