Saturday, June 28, 2008


I was really nervous, Chad is on vacation and we have fewer volunteers this week! But Wow god is so amazing!! We had so many kids this week. We saw over 42 different kids and had 33 on one day!! We are exhausted and frazzled but it was great! I really did not expect this at all! Now that the two tough weeks are over I can rest easy!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Rest. What is that?

A day of planning and kind of rest! It is crazy how I expected this day to be so busy since I was not working but really it was a great night! Josh and I got VBS stuff together and then hung out for most of the night! Thank you!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Little Stressed

There is so much I need to do for next week it is beyond crazy. Note to self plan for vbs way, way in advance next year!!! Today we went out to the neighborhood and passes out bunches of fliers I hope it helps!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Next task ... VBS

So I start at Miamisburg tomorrow night with the attempt to learn all I can about there vbs so I can work it out for our vbs which is next week!!

I made a Decision!! If you know me that is a big deal.

So we decided on an apt! Indian trace but I don’t move in until the 7th of July more on the floor mattress sleeping.

Good-Bye BBC

Yea!! One week of kids down and a summer to go!! This week (the back yard bible club, BBC) went pretty well. We started out very slow with only 3 but each day we grew and had 17 on Wednesday. It was kind of crazy! My planning could have been better but we really had no clue what to expect. But let me tell ya these kids were crazy. Many of them came from rough homes and it was kind of sad. But I am so excited to see what God has in store for the next week.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Kid's week prep

Signs, signs and more signs! We painted and printed signs today so that we could publicize for next week.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Wow I am so not ready for this at all. I still don’t have an apartment yet(we might but it is not for definite yet) I am so unprepared for next week, it is our back yard Bible Club (oh we are having two weeks of it well kind one week is a back yard bible club and the other is Vacation bible school) I still need to go shopping and finish the lessons for the week. Not to mention I start back at Voice of America on Wednesday.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

So here I am, Sort of part 2...

So I have officially moved back to oxford, Ohio. To work with the bridge and I am excited way nervous about finances and the fact that I just quit a job that paid pretty well. Currently I am homeless, well not entirely. My life will pretty much be split between staying with Kara a lady that lives in the trailer park and with the Parson’s (my boyfriends parents house, don’t worry they like me) half the time on a mattress on the floor and the other on a futon. I will be working at Ruby Tuesdays until I get another job(which I hope it super soon)

So here I am, Sort of...

Well it is funny how God works in our lives. I mean one day you are hating your job and where you are and the next you are terrified of leaving all of that. Does that make sense? I don't get it at all. Well let me fill you in on my life thus far. I am 22, I have 5 sisters, I am dating a wonderful guy named Josh and I am in limbo with life right now! I previously worked with the Bridge Church and loved most of it. As 2008 approached and loans began to call my name I could no longer afford the low paying ministry job so I moved home to Columbus to live with my fam! I started a job there as a File/Docket Clerk at a Law firm and loved the job but struggled in the environment. Durring my at home period I continued to drive pretty much every other week to Oxford (it is a 2.5 hour Drive). No Fun!! So in recent I have decied to move back to Oxford. Quit my decent paying job, and let God take on the rest. So here is my journey as a Missionary. Oh did I mention I am the only Girl on Staff? Well I am!