Monday, December 15, 2014


Early November was business as usual, at least for us...JPs parents moved into their new house with granny. We moved in with mom the week before thanksgiving. 

Let's recap our first week at moms. 
Saturday - moving day...enough said except thank you all who helped us we are so blessed 
Sunday - church and wrapping day with the kids
Monday - wind storm with blackout ...poor JP
Tuesday - a new house shows up on the market
Wednesday - nothing too special
Thursday - thanksgiving and time with family
Friday - shopping and house showing 
Saturday - different house showing... Made an offer on 1st showing and offer was accepted. Crazy!

Oh what a week, what a month.


I feel super lame for my lack of posting but to be fair the last few months have flown by with a flash. Started my new job which week one and week two were crazy hard and at moments full of doubts. But after a few changes and support from other staff things have gotten much better. I really think it will be a good fit once I am able to learn and organize everything.

Happy Halloween

Time to announce our exciting news!