Sunday, May 25, 2014

Church Travels: FarHills

So since our journey with the Bridge has come to an end we are now begining to look at finding a new church to call home. This week we attended: FarHills Community Church. The message was on the Song of Songs(Song of Solomon).

Here is there link you can check them out too:

Oh and we had Panera for lunch!!! Yum!

Friday, May 23, 2014

My New Adventure

On to my next adventure...stay tuned for Freezer Meal Workshops!... So as many may know I love freezer cooking and teaching others! My freezer meal journey started a few years ago. I was living in Dayton and working in Columbus (and attending school, I know crazy right). So I would double dinner, we would eat one and freeze the other. A few months later I saw the post on Pinterest about Freezer Meal Swaps/ Co-ops. So I started one up with three awesome ladies. We each would make five of the same meal and bring them once a month to exchange (we donated the extra ones to ministry or a family in need). In the older post you can read all about that. We exchanged meals for a year and then due to schedules we had to dissolve the group. But freezer meals never left the scene for us. I started doing once a month cooking making 15 to 20 meals all in one day. I attended a Dinner Done Night by a Pampered Chef friend. It was lots of fun. I considered starting selling pampered chef or wildtree, but I really just love to teach freezer meals so after hosting a freezer meal workshop for my sister to celebrate her new baby, my family convinced me that I should put my self out there and teach others what I love!

Sunday, May 18, 2014


I am so gonna miss these girls!!!! and all the other graduates too...Thanks ladies for being my suedo roommies.

Graduation was a lovely day, we started with a rainy wet morning but the sun was shining during the ceremony! We even got a little pink. Congrats graduates we are praying for you and can't wait to see where God leads you next!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Baby Nixon

Baby Nixon is Born…three weeks early but super healthy and so cute!!! Love the bib my sister and mom made!!! “Lord of the Rings” LOL

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Senior Sunday and Time to Say Goodbye

So I am sitting here before service and though today’s schedule is no different than any other Sunday we have had over the last 8 years. The band is practicing, someone is picking up trash and the faint conversations fill the air. It is a sad feeling sitting her, in a few hours the students will all arrive and fill the seats of the sanctuary. But today will be different we will commission our students who are traveling overseas and stateside for missions, we will celebrate with those who have graduated, and the hardest part will be the moment we say good-bye. Not good-bye for the summer or for a few months; but good-bye for now. This is our last Sunday our last Bridge service as staff and though we have no clue where God is leading we are ready to follow and excited for the future.

Happy Mothers Day Whit

Rebecca and I were doing nursery care a few weeks ago and we decided to do Toddler Art. I taped up some canvases with painters tap and let Annaleigh paint away. It was lots of fun and now the gift is all dry and wrapped up for her to give to her mommy on Mother’s Day!