Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Have you ever felt like you were stuck in life? I mean where you are blocked in all directions, failing to move forward or backwards with no hope on either side. That is kinda where I am right now. God has brought us so far and now I feel stuck. I know God has a plan and when He wants us to move forward we will but right now is apparently not that time. It is funny how we think that if our plan is Christ centered and ministry focus then it will surely succeed. But what if it is not supposed to, what if the failure was God’s plan. What if you are humbled by the rejection which pushes you towards Him? What if that was his plan all along; and now looking towards the future seems impossible. Are you truly stuck or are you blocked by your own stubborn fear of failing again or the uncertainty of the path to take?

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Color Run

We just accomplished out first Color Run!!! It was so much fun! We ran the race pretty well then within 15-20 minutes of us finishing up pictures and such it down poured!! So much fun and we got lots of water/rain pics too!


Love this picture!!!!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Help, Follow, Respect and Love him

I get various different blog updates and post for ministry wives…often they are very “mother/parent” driven… which is not too helpful in my current setting since I am not a mother J Today I came across a fitting and convicting post from Women Living Well, it was a post on Elizabeth George’s book Life Management for Busy Women. See below (my notes are the green ones)

God’s Four Words for Wives

1. Help your husband -(Genesis 2:18).
2. Follow your husband’s leadership – (Ephesians 5:22).
3. Respect your husband -(Ephesians 5:33).
4. Love your husband -(Titus 2:4).

When he is sad, cheer him.
When he is noble, praise him.
When he is generous, appreciate him.
When he is talkative, listen to him.
When he comes or goes, kiss him.

These four guidelines -help him, follow him, respect him, love him -can and should translate into four lifetime goals for you if you are married. And these next ten disciplines should assist you in the management of your marriage.

I would like to think I am great at all of these but often I find it hard to know when or how to effectively Help, Follow, Respect and Love. I mean yes I love my husband I really do but sometimes we need to show that love in a way that is received as love. I can say “I love you” a hundred times but if that is just lip service it is not an effective way of showing love.  So for this week how do I effectively Help, Follow, Respect and Love him?