Thursday, May 30, 2013

Welcome the 4

Well Josh is on his way to pick up our summer M’s or Missionaries, we have four this year 2 guys and 2 girls. Please pray that God will work in and through them this summer.

We have:

Tate – he served with us last year; he will be a junior in college. He is musically gifted and a little crazy (which is good when working with kids)
Daniel – He will be a junior in college. Likes sports and is a big talker. He should be great with the kids.
Danielle – She will be a junior in college. She is very quiet and sweet. The kids will love her.
Mary - She will be a sophomore in college. She is loud and very energetic. We need to put her on the stage lol.

Please pray for the 4 and pray for Josh as he leads them this year!

Friday, May 24, 2013

A Quick Visit with an Old Friend

I had a doc apt in Hamilton so I went over to visit Tabby at Bed and Breakfast Property Mgmt. (the job I was at 3 years ago) Wow it has been so long. It was fun to catch up and see how everyone was doing. I love where God has taken up over these few years but I truly miss Tabby she is a wonderful and Godly woman! We could used a few more of her in this world J

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Today was gardening day, we planning a bunch of items at the Bridge house. Since it is a rental we did a container garden using pots and such to avoid digging up the yard. We have: strawberries, tomatoes (cherry, old fashion and roma), cucumbers, squash, zucchini, okra, broccoli, lettuce, beans, blackberries, cilantro, basil and chive…I think that is all ;)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Saturday, May 4, 2013

DIY Clean and Happy Birthday Lisa and Raina

Today was fun, crazy, busy and super cool all at once. This morning all the ladies in the family (ok most of us) met up at Mom’s for a DIY day. Each person brought 1 or more items, crafts, snacks, etc to share with the group though a demonstration. I was on Household DIY Cleaners. (Laundry Soap, Windex, All-purpose cleaner, etc) Lisa made Ice cream treats and ranch dressing, mom was on picture frame trays spring roll and pin cushions, Dawn demoed pretzels, Jamey had sweater plant hangers, and Raina showed us how to make foaming hand soap. After our DIY filled day we hit the salon for pedicures and then dinner with the guys!