Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter Sunday!

We had a morning service this week to attract the community, and after service we had brunch. It is tricky to keep 12+ casseroles warm for an hour+ but it all turned out good. HE is RISEN!!

House Diet

Paper Clean Out


Filing Cabinets

Tax Files

Family Binder

This one I will have to work on at a later time...not to many place we can orginize yet!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Andrew and Ashleigh’s Wedding

Today we attended Andrew and Ashleigh’s Wedding, Andrew is a friend from college. It was a very nice wedding the reception was fun they had a Salad-tini station where the salads we tossed in a tumbler then poured into a martini glass. They had a little bread station, photo booth, and a coffee bar. Very cute and it was a fun time to spend with Nathan and Erika (and Luke) J Praying for the new couple as the start their life together.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mission Oxford

Today we hit the streets of Oxford and went out to knock on doors and invite the city to Easter Sunday. We were able to pray for a few but most of the city was turned off by our invitation and kindly refused our prayers. But we were faithful in our mission and if one heart was softened then it was not in vain.

Monday, March 18, 2013

House Update

We are still looking know anyone that wants to donate a house to us. LoL

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring Break Destination Kansas-Return

Well it was a very different trip for most of our kids but God is in control we knocked on so many doors and were able to talk with many about the Gospel and I pray that the fire that was kindled there will continue to grow and spread. Now it is time to take our teaching to the streets of Oxford.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Spring Break Destination Kansas

Well we are all packed and super excited for all to come this week. I know that God is going to move in amazing ways. Please be in prayer for us as we travel to Kansas with 55 students to go and share the Gospel with a city that desperately needs to know. Please pray for our students that they will come back encouraged and ready to fight the battle on their campus in Oxford. Oh and pray for me as I will be feeding this group for the week!