Sunday, April 29, 2012

4in1 Wedding Shower fun

OK the 4in1 shower is done. J I say that with a sigh of relief and a smile, because though it was a lot of work it was lots of fun. And I am so excited to see the next stage of life for these four lovely ladies.

We had a great turn out. The ladies in the church went together and made the girls fleece blankets with their soon to be last names on them, and also the girls made monogramed frames for each one. They are supper cute. Each sets of the tables were themed for the girls (Ali was more outdoorsy, Christina was butterflies and cuteness, Rebecca was more formal and Alyse was artsy)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

WOW that is about all I can say to the fact that I have been married to a wonderful man of God for 3 years, where has the time gone.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


I really enjoy getting New Glasses, it make me smile. Though the process takes forever, I am so indecisive

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Classes and T4G

Week one of CIS and Account. Not really all that excited but it will work. Also JP will be gone for part of the week at T4G (Together for the Gospel) an event that is pretty cool and really a great learning tool! I usually watch/listen to the podcast a day behind the event but still great stuff.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Secret Church

Last night was another wonderful time of mind blowing learning. Marie was in town so she was able to join us! Thank you David Platt for allowing God to use you , so his love and teachings can spread over the earth!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Andrew's Bday

Happy Birthday Little Brother

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Time to Catch Up...

Well as you can see I have been hiding from blogging, well that was not really the intention but it has been the outcome of my extra busy schedule and such. So I thought I would do a large overview of the last few months….

February: Between Birthday Parties, Brunch and a Cavity it was Busy! It was super great to get back to some of my normal commitments after being gone for 2 weeks in December and then playing catch up through January. So I was able to do brunch with Dani. I sometimes forget the importance of spending time with other girlfriends. Sometimes it seems inconvenient to schedule and squeeze things into my schedule but after it is said and done I really do appreciate it. So Thank-you to all my girlfriends who have not given up on meeting J you all are so wonderful!!!

Happy Birthday Evelyn, Zach, Mom and Ethan!

March: Let’s see, Spring Break, Introducing the Moore Baby, Super Busy and the Hunger Games! Well Spring Break is how it began, which was crazy but great all in the same. Bob Evans was so gracious to donate food for the week…so much food! I was a co-cook with my dear friend Marty. We fed and fed those kids some more. The Gospel was shared so many times and in so many ways, everyone stepped out on faith and there was so much fruit that was produced in the lives of our students and in the lives of those that we met. God gave us a passion and a boost of faith that we pray will last much longer than a week or so. Students that have never shared their faith before went out and shared and shared with confidence and it was all God!!! Oh such a great week!!

Whitney had baby Annaleigh, very cute! After a little extended stay in the hospital they are home and doing great!!

Hunger Games = great movie J

Oh and during the month I went on a random run with Ali, Started the South beach Diet with J. and had way too many planning meetings for wedding showers and such (oh my baby sister is getting married)

Happy Birthday Jesse and Chad