Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Well she got her lovely embroidery machine and she is going crazy with all the things it can do!! I will update soon…also check out her blog ….coming soon!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hmm I Wonder....

So many thoughts of future plans and possibilities. For now all i can say is hmmm I wonder...

Friday, February 4, 2011


Yea! Friday night! Oh wait we have so much to do! Mom’s party is tomorrow. So we are decorating the cheese cake with buttons, needles and thread (all made from candy) we are getting her gift cards to purchase her embroidery machine.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This week has been a mess it snowed on Monday and Tuesday I feel like I have not been home in forever. Plus Friday I will be staying in Columbus because mom and Evelyn’s Birthday party is this weekend. I like snow but I want to go home L

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So January has been a good month and a strange month. I know I am blessed far beyond many of this world, not only monetarily but with family, friends and by knowing my God. But sometimes life seems dull, stagnant and empty. JP was going to buy me a cat for Christmas…then for my birthday but since we don’t have our own place that was not very practical. The ideal of a cat is great, they are fun and cute but the reality of a cat is not so great. We are not home very often due to the crazy amount of driving and the lovely winter weather. So in my mind I have this desire for change or control. I need something to be different since my 'get a job in Columbus and be transferred in 9 months' plan has now failed. I need something else to focus on. So I thought maybe a hair cut or rearrange the furniture, neither worked out. We went to the mall the other day to look at the cats and dogs, and then I found out that Moore’s just got a new puppy. My heart was sad and I felt yet again let down, questing why we are in the position we are in. Why are we behind all of our friends? I graduated early and now I am at a standstill. Why do I have loans that prevent us from having a home of our own? Or why I have to drive an hour and 20 minutes each way to work every day? Why does my husband have to attempt to balance a job that pays with a job that makes a difference in the lives of students? I pitied myself and in many ways I was angry. I know how to answer all of these questions when asked but how often do I believe those answers I give? I sat in church on Sunday in tears being reminded of our Christmas trip and how so many had so little and how I did not need anything but Christ. Then we sang about how God is enough and all that we need. I sat there and thought of the blessings Christ has for us and how each day we are blessed more and more, many times we never see all the blessings we just focus on the things we miss or wanted and did not get right then. God has his reasons for our lives he has plans and purposes for each situation. And lately I have missed seeing Gods direction because I was so caught up on not being on my “perfect” and “desired” path.

"Forget the former things;

do not dwell on the past.

See, I am doing a new thing!

Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the desert

and streams in the wasteland."

Isaiah 43: 18-19