Saturday, December 18, 2010


We are headed to the airport, all 8 MU Josh and I are all crammed in the white beast with our luggage and Chad as the driver. Our flight leaves around 4 so we will meet our UC guys at the airport and then pick up a few others in Chicago. Oh we are so excited for this Trip can’t wait to see what God has planned!!! 

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Busy day we hung out with Matt and Monica today. Josh and Matt played video games while we talked and played with the kids. The tomato soup and grilled cheese was very yummy!
After lunch we headed to Columbus for Dawn and Rich’s Birthday party followed by our part of Christmas with my family. The Birthday was fun we had subs and salad (Josh grabbed Chick-fil-A beforehand) after the party we did the sibling gift exchange! We had Ben and Dawn. Ben got tools, a shirt, and baby clothes. Dawn got cupcake cases, a jacket a calendar. Jamey and Dustin had us; I got a Bluetooth for my phone…sweet!! And josh got a year of Xbox Live…very cool. Then a little later we had part of the whole Christmas. Mom had everyone open one gift then Josh and I did the rest of ours. Highlights: Josh got a Texans hat and t-shirt, pocket knife, Big Bang Theory, a super sweet duffle bag, Golden Sun and Chap Stick that smells like icing. I got a camera (very cool you will see many new photos very soon), clothes, stationary, jacket and we both got other great things too! Thanks everyone!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


We preformed all of our Christmas songs and dances for the kids at Kids night! Lots of fun, a little crazy!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Moving on

Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! We had a wonderful one, we had almost 80 students staff and faculty showed up to eat the wonderful food that prepared by our Community Groups. We had some new faces that joined us on Sunday for Church. Such a wonderful night of fellowship and community.

Well with less than 20 days till the East Asia Team departs and less than 3 weeks of classes till winter break; you would think things were calming down in Oxford but that is far from the truth. The Tuesday before thanksgiving the Bridge launched their 'Club House' an after-school program for elementary aged children. Each Tuesday the student work on homework or other suggested materials and they are fed dinner. We are currently working with 18 students and hope to expand.  With this we are doing a BOOK DRIVE, we are accepting children book, reading materials, hooked on phonics, and other educational materials. We are happy to take any new or used items. If you would like to contribute please call the Bridge

Please continue to be in prayer for the East Asia team there are 14 going on this trip. The team departs on December 18th pray for safe travels and unity as they head across the world to share the Christmas Story. Please pray for our students and staff members that will be traveling over the holidays. And lastly please pray for the Children and the Children's ministry, God is working, pray that we have the workers and the hearts to teach these kids who God really is and how much He loves them. Merry Christmas and Thank you for your prayers and support!!