Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Welcome Home!!!

Yea!!! We move in this past weekend finally. The new apartment is great there are things I like more and some that I like less about the apartment but we will adjust!! We love our orange wall it is great I can't wait until we are able to unpack the last few boxes!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

wedding website

We have Been Married 1 Month TODAY!! No one is dead yet! LOL

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Fire! Fire!

No Really Fire!! Chad's roommate was preparing to cook fired chicken on the stove top and put the oil on high and covered with a lid. So as you might presume the oil caught fire and so did the wall and part of the cabinets. Lots of smoke and the fire department came out and sprayed their yucky foam. No one was hurt and not too much damage! Just a big mess!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Good Bye Ayla

We took Ayla (our Cat) to the vet today, in columbus. She has lost a lot of weight and her skin has a tint of yellow. We found out that she has a liver disease so we had to have her put down. Not a really happy day.

Monday, May 4, 2009


So we went to Target and put all our gift cards on one and then the card got thrown away NO GOOD!! So I called and after an hour on the phone I got it all sorted out where they will send me a new card in the mail with our remaining balance!! Crazy but worked out!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Lisa and Shower for Tracy

Lisa's (big sis) Birthday party was today...the first family event since the wedding. We grilled out it was fun the weather was wonderful! Josh had to mow this morning so he was late but none the less he was there. He stay until Sunday morning and left just before the madness for the Wedding shower began!! We hosted the wedding shower for Tracy the wedding is June 28th and she is expecting August 27th yes crazy. But the shower was all focused on "King" sized candy bars(king will be her new last name) and on how to make lasagna that is her husband to be's favorite meal(and Tracy is not really a cook ... yet!)