Saturday, March 29, 2014

Baby Shower Blocks

My little sister is expecting her first baby. We are a crafty family and I wanted to surprise her with a super personalized gift. After much debate and 1000 of ideas I came up with this super great gift idea! I have seen many DYI Blocks but this is my spin on them with the personalization.

What you will need:
·         Blank square blocks (we bought ours online 50 for $12)
·         Mod Podge (homemade or store bought)
·         Krylon Matte Finish Spray
·         Stickers, Letters and Family member pictures
·         Sand paper


 Print any images on copy paper. Do not use heavy weigh paper or cardstock. We used a Square puncher to punch out the pictures (you can use scissors)
Sand the blocks, be sure to remove sharp edges or corners
Stick stickers on the blocks for the paper letters or pictures. Apply a thin and even layer of Mod Podge on one side of the block.  Lay the picture onto the Mod Podge and work from the center to the edges to smooth out any bubbles. Let dry.
Repeat until each side is covered.
Spray each block with the finishing spray (repeat with additional coats) Let completely dry.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring Break

It is sad to say that I am not headed to Boston with the 40+ students this year. I have a baby shower next week so I am staying home while my husband leads the team. It is a bitter sweet moment. I love Spring Break and all the awesome things that God does in and through the students and staff there. But I know that God has a plan and a purpose for me staying here this week too. (not just the Baby Shower) But we will just have to wait and see what the week unfolds!

Praying for the Team!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Well let’s just start with saying that I have a wonderful, wonderful husband! I am so blessed by him each day. Our 5 year anniversary is coming up (April) and to celebrate he bought us tickets to see Wicked in Cincinnati! I was so surprised and super excited…he bought the tickets in January (and I had no clue).  It was a beautiful evening we walked around downtown for a bit and ate dinner. The show was awesome!!! We both loved it. 


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Canvas and Coffee

We had a women’s event today where we painted canvas, sipped coffee and enjoyed fellowship. Here are some of the beautiful artwork we created…we are fearfully and wonderfully made!